Exercises 1-2#

How to get started?#

Download the exercise material package if you haven’t done it already. From this Zip file, you can find the exercises directory and the Notebooks containing the instructions for the exercises. Notice that the Zipfile is relatively large (approx. 60-70 Mb) because it contains all the data needed for the exercises (+ extra data for Augsburg).

Exerise 1#

In the Exercise 1, you will familiarize yourself with some basic functionalities of geopandas.

Exerise 2#

In the Exercise 2, you will familiarize yourself with network analysis and accessibility modelling using r5py and osmnx libraries.


I will provide example solutions for the exercises after the course (will send via email).


In Exercise 1, you need to download the administrative boundaries for Augsburg. To do this, you can use osmnx with following code that will only download the “admin level 10” boundaries from OpenStreetMap (i.e. the districts):

import osmnx as ox

query = "Augsburg, Germany"
boundaries = ox.features_from_place(query, tags={"admin_level": "10"})

To download the buildings from the area of the boundaries, you can do following:

buildings = ox.features_from_polygon(boundaries.unary_union, tags={"building": True})